Wow! It's Wednesday already. My weeks are flying by, Christmas is going to be here too quickly!
I know I promised to be around here more often after our vacation, but there was so much that had to get done to get back into life. I don't even know what it all was, but it took up a lot of time :) My tan is fading... that makes me sad.
My goal is a quilt a week from now 'til Christmas. If I can keep that schedule, then I will fulfill all the holiday orders and have time to sew my own Christmas cozies. We shall see.....
I didn't do any sewing this past weekend, but I had a perfectly wonderful excuse...
A special anniversary supper. Excuse the dimly lit, badly taken picture; but this was homemade Caesar salad (everything made from scratch!!), and we were hurrying to take the picture then eat before the lettuce went soggy.
Nathan and I celebrated 11 years together, and since that's not such a huge hallmark number, we farmed the kids out to Grandma and Grandpa's, then spent a pleasant evening together at home. We picked up dessert from the farmer's market, a tenderloin from a local butcher, then brought it home and together whipped up chateaubriand, roasted potatoes, asparagus, and the above mentioned salad. It was all delightful....
Now, however... this week... I've been putting my machine and my back (and wrist, arms, and shoulders) through the paces as I race against the calendar to finish quilts. I'm STILL working on the red-haired princess quilts, but I finally feel like I'm in the groove and quilts will be completed quickly now.

I took a quick pic of one of the quilts to show you the quilting that I've been doing on it... lots and lots and lots of straight lines (excuse the loose threads and wrinkly quilt - I just wanted to show you without taking a whole lot of time). Most of this quilt is quilted with straightlines 1/2 - 3/4" apart, mostly running vertically, but some horizontally. But see that light pink strip? There I quilted 1/4" or closer togther. The effect is gorgeous and would be stunning done all over on a quilt, but I think the tear stains on the quilt might not be worth trying that particular effect. Hmmmm.....
Well, three little munchkins must be picked up from school. I'm off!! Happy Wednesday!