I don't know what your evenings look like, but here's mine.... Our four wonderful kids are still young enough to be in bed by 8:00ish. Some of them read in bed for awhile, but after 8:00, my husband and I are pretty much free of parental responsibility. Then.... we watch tv. It's sad. But we really enjoy hanging out on the sofa together; so for now, at this point in our lives - it works. While we were on vacation, we set up our cable to record all of our favorite shows (it was season premier week!!!) so we could catch up when we got home. And catching up is what we have been doing. I'm sure we came home to at least 30 hours of shows recorded for our viewing pleasure. Last night I really needed to get a quilt basted. And, as long as I am crawling around on my knees, I'm not blocking the tv for Nathan (so considerate, I know). So, here is what I accomplished last night during two episodes of "Blue Bloods".
I cannot wait to start quilting this one. Lots and lots of straight lines coming it's way....
I had a bit of an issue with the backing for these two quilts. I have a thing for Kona Snow; an obsession perhaps? I used every last bit of my Kona Snow up on the first back, and had none left for the second back. After panicking, then phoning around town and finding out nobody stocked it in town, then realizing I didn't have enough time to order it in; I had to get creative. The backs are pieced with leftover pieces from the front, Kona Snow, and Kona Medium Grey. I love it, and I hope my very visual, very talented friend concurs. I'll show you a pic of it sometime when it's not taped to the floor.
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