I don't think that I overdo the Christmas decorating - there are very few seasonal knick-knacks spread out around my house, mostly because I can't stand the clutter. However, we do have six trees.... but it's not as bad as it sounds. Each of our kids "need" one in their room, so they each have a small tree. Then, there is one for the family room that holds all of our family decorations - the ones we have collected through the years. Lastly, there is the living room tree (aka my tree) - the nicely decorated one that matches the living room. Not too bad, right?
Here's a shot my son took of he living room tree.....
The kids decided to perform an impromptu Christmas pageant for Nathan and I, complete with intermissions and costume changes (the former was to have time for the latter - there were many, many intermissions). Here is Gabriel speaking to Mary. We must work on presenting properly towards the audience.
And one of the wisemen with his "treasure". I'm not sure if that's gold, frankincense, or myrrh.

I've been busy, busy, busy with the quilting lately - and I'd like to show you it... but most of it I can't. There were many custom orders that are meant as gifts for Christmas and I don't want to wreck anyone's surprise. I will show you this quick little pillow that I whipped together out of scraps from a basically identical pillow I made back in October.
It's leaning against the family room tree, and you can see some of the assortment of ornaments we've collected/made over the years.
Every year we give the kids a new ornament for their collection. Last year I decided to make their ornaments, and used these cute embroidery patterns from Wee Wonderfuls.

I color coordinated all the embroidered bedding with the kids' actual bedding, and made each character have the same hair color as the kid it was intended for, so each child new immediately which one was theirs. Then I backed them with a fabric from their quilts that I had made and attached a ribbon. So cute, and a great memory to have.

Here is a complete view of the family room tree. It looks so much more magical in real life! My favorite thing is to read in the evening with the glow of the tree's lights on my pages. Sigh.... If only there were more time for that.

We are quickly approaching my children's Christmas program at their school and I found that my two girls were lacking appropriate footwear.
And heels for the eight year old. Sniff, sniff..... I'm not entirely sure they'll fit, hence the tag still attached. Update: They didn't fit. They were replaced with entirely impractical silver "Hannah Montana" heels with fake diamonds on the top and open toes.
I've been busy, busy, busy with the quilting lately - and I'd like to show you it... but most of it I can't. There were many custom orders that are meant as gifts for Christmas and I don't want to wreck anyone's surprise. I will show you this quick little pillow that I whipped together out of scraps from a basically identical pillow I made back in October.
Every year we give the kids a new ornament for their collection. Last year I decided to make their ornaments, and used these cute embroidery patterns from Wee Wonderfuls.
I color coordinated all the embroidered bedding with the kids' actual bedding, and made each character have the same hair color as the kid it was intended for, so each child new immediately which one was theirs. Then I backed them with a fabric from their quilts that I had made and attached a ribbon. So cute, and a great memory to have.
Here is a complete view of the family room tree. It looks so much more magical in real life! My favorite thing is to read in the evening with the glow of the tree's lights on my pages. Sigh.... If only there were more time for that.
We are quickly approaching my children's Christmas program at their school and I found that my two girls were lacking appropriate footwear.
Well, that's all the Christmas goodness I have to show you for now. I called this "The Christmas Post", as if this would be the only one. That's quite laughable, since I tend to enjoy this season just a tiny bit, and will most likely not be able to keep from sprinkling the season's goodness into everything between now and New Year's. Please don't be mad...
Merry Christmas!!
I share your love for Christmas but alas, Dave will only let me have 2 trees (for now :)) Do they make K's shoes in adult sizes? I think I want a pair!