Part of our time was spent camping at my parents' place. The kids love the freedom that country living gives them. For some reason, I don't let the kids play with fire in town like they are allowed to do in the country. Hmmmm, wonder why?
These two little girls (one mine, one my sister's) have so much fun together. Running, giggling, fighting over the favorite princess dress.... also, a shared penchant for socks pulled too high when it really is barefoot weather.
My wonderful husband demonstrating a game he used to play when young - lawn darts. My parents have the safer version (equipped with the sandbag instead of the dart), but in the "old" days, a group of kids stands around in a circle and throws a lawn dart as high as possible. Then they play chicken with the lawn dart as it falls back to earth. Sometimes I wonder how he survived....
My parents' friend brought his chopper over for rides. Isn't that the coolest? I had never been in a helicopter before. My daughter and I were able to go up together. So great - I think I need one.

The reason we were camped at my parents' even though we live 15 minutes away was our "3rd Annual Christmas in July". We have two Christmases each year - just for the fun of it! We do a gift exchange, do a chicken on the bbq, and use the excuse to hang out with eachother. Here, Grandma and Grandpa are doling out the grandkids' gifts.

We did a little bit of Christmas decorating - this is my kids' fave, Mr. Snowman.

Shovelling in every last bit of dessert....

The reason we were camped at my parents' even though we live 15 minutes away was our "3rd Annual Christmas in July". We have two Christmases each year - just for the fun of it! We do a gift exchange, do a chicken on the bbq, and use the excuse to hang out with eachother. Here, Grandma and Grandpa are doling out the grandkids' gifts.
We did a little bit of Christmas decorating - this is my kids' fave, Mr. Snowman.
Shovelling in every last bit of dessert....
Now, finally, my first ever quilt made in my trailer! The pics are awful - I didn't really have room to spread out to take them - but at least you can get an idea. It's a quick strip quilt thrown together with some Kona solids, Monaluna dots, and Far Far Away II. This is when it's basted, but I already have the quilting done, and I am just waiting for my new tags to come in and then I can finish the binding.

Close up of the Far Far Away II pieces.

Close up of the Far Far Away II pieces.
The quilting adds so much texture - I can't wait to show it to you. Soon, I promise!!
Now I'm off to enjoy this weekend - camping again!