pieces of my day and snapshots of my quilts

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Orders from Headquarters

After finishing the Fractured quilt last week, I was informed by my almost 8 year old (not 7 - almost 8), that there were no more quilts being made until I had sewn the summer dresses that I had promised to have done for summer. Secretly, I had been hoping that these dresses would be forgotten, since I much prefer to quilt, and had offered up my seamstress abilities on a whim. Sadly, almost 8 year olds have good memories....

I have another quilt in my head already, and I can't wait to see it realized in fabric, so I scoured the web for a quick summer dress. I have tons of patterns at home, but I didn't even want to dig the tissue pieces out of the envelopes - never mind laying out a million pieces, cutting out the fabric, slowly stitching it all together....this called for something fast. Habitual.wordpress.com had what I was looking for. It's basically the pillowcase dress, but done up with pretty pictures and great instructions. Check it out!

Here is what I started with this morning

Just some pieces from my stash.

And here is what I ended up with this afternoon!

Yup, three dresses in three hours. Who doesn't like that!? Lest you think I have a tiny, tiny baby, those dresses are for (from left to right) my 3 year old, my almost 8 year old's favorite doll, and, of course, the almost 8 year old. There are no live models right now since it is summer and my children are all dirty little urchins, cavorting around the neighbourhood in their swimsuits. I'm that mom.

Now I'm off to go soak in the sun and delight in the sounds of joy of those dirty little urchins!

Again, soon!!


  1. Those dresses look AWESOME! Man I wish I could sew! Alli would LOVE that pink dress! And the idea of a tiny matching doll dress? Spectacular! Your children should worship you.
