pieces of my day and snapshots of my quilts

Monday, July 19, 2010

pieced by...kendra

Hello Blogworld!

Here I am, embarking on my first adventure with blogging. I am a mom to four beautiful, active kids, and it often seems that I can work all day and have nothing to show for it. Enter quilting - suddenly I can show that I am able to accomplish something! Yay! Well, on second thought, I don't actually have anything to show but pictures since I can't seem to keep any of these quilts for myself - something I am hoping to remedy soon. Mostly I just support my habit - selling just enough quilts so I can buy fabric for more. So sad.....

Let me show you some of what I do:

This is a checkerboard quilt that I made for a friend's baby boy. I almost always use too much white in my quilts, which I always feel guilty about when the quilt is intended for a child. Like, seriously, how is that supposed to stay clean? Oh well, they are all washable....

One of my favorite quilts - one I made for my youngest daughter. It was inspired by the Mulka Dubrawksy's Strips and Bricks Quilt, featured in Sew Hip (April 2009). I love this design so much that I've used it a couple times already with more to come, I'm sure. A pic of where it is supposed to reside and a pic of it used as a tent. Isn't that perfect? These quilts are made to be dragged around, although I still have a "not outside" rule. The white and pink one above is my first ever quilt that I made for my oldest daughter - and you will NOT get a close up shot of it. SO many mistakes!! But we all gotta start somewhere...
Tommorrow I want to show you a quilt that I just finished last week - one that started out with a huge mistake that was apparently completely serendipitous. Thanks for stopping by - swing by again soon!


  1. I love your take on the strips and bricks quilt! Love that you have a blog! Love all your quilts! Love your four cute kids! Love you! There is a lot of love going around. You are so creative and I love your use of 'white space' you do it so well.

  2. Love the blog and your quilts! Excited to see more! And BTW? Your profile picture is amazing. You are SUPER hot for having four kids...well actually even for someone who has NOT had four kids. Just saying.

    (P.S. I swear I am not a lesbian. Also I am allowed to think you are hot even though we're related...I am Mennonite after all. Those rules do not apply)

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging Kendra! I have a blog too www.debrowns.blogspot.com ... but its mostly just pictures of our kids to indulge the long distance relatives :)

  4. WooHoo!! Comments on my first blog! You guys rock! Rissa - you made me laugh out loud for real! Obviously I picked the best pic possible as my profile pic, so I'm not always that hot ;)
