Here's my question... See the bottom fabric? The orange retro-ish one? It's the customer's favorite, and I'd love to include it somewhere. I'm not planning to use it on the front... should I piece in this random fabric on the back?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The princess quilts
Monday, September 27, 2010
Beautiful quilts to be
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Two Quick Projects
This past weekend was a delicious blend of getting some random jobs done (sorting bottles and mowing lawn, thanks Nathan!!), and relaxing time spent with family. One of the random jobs that was accomplished:
another sweet custom potholder set. The color combo (mainly purple and grey) is so obvious, but I hadn't done just those two colors together in awhile. Beautiful! I think a quilt is needed in that colorway soon, but with all the Christmas orders that have come in, I may be waiting until spring before I start sewing with my own ideas. Not that I'm complaining - keep those orders coming! Sewing only my ideas gets boring to me after awhile.
That's all for now - check back later this week for the giveaway details!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Red-haired princesses
Aren't red-haired girls just the sweetest things? Hmmmm.... maybe sweetest wasn't the best choice of words. From my experience, red-haired girls have LOTS of character... which is sometimes a wonderful thing, and sometimes... well... not so much of a wonderful thing. Take my youngest daughter as an example (her hair doesn't scream red, but it definitely leans that way).
I cannot seem to keep her clothed or her hair properly done.
She ALWAYS looks like a stray ragamuffin.
Which, fortunately, is one of my favorite looks (stray ragamuffin). What a goof!
Anyways, I digress... red-haired girls = wonderful.
Now, I have a friend who has produced two of these wonderful specimen (and they are the sweet kind - at least that's what I see). This dear friend of mine is first and foremost a FAB photographer (seriously, check this out), but also quilts as time allows. And she asked ME to make two quilts for her girls, inspired by this:
Heather Ross Far Far Away II Sleeping Beauty. It isn't often that you find red-haired princesses depicted on fabric. No-sir-ee...
So, a peek of the first quilt top. Another similiar one to come (but not identical - that would be boring). Right now this one looks a little bland, but not when I'm done with the quilting. That will bring the fabulousness out. Give me a couple of days for that though.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Color quandry
Well, then - I'm off to create some more... of something... or just to stare at my fabric and think.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sorry, dear....
a quick Christmas pillow. Maybe not quite as modern as my usual projects, but I think that Christmas allows for a slight hint of tradition, no? I think a couple more of these might be in order. Picture little heads resting on them after a cold evening spent sliding down the tobagganing hill. The pillows could be set around the bottom of the tree, perfect for gazing at the blinking wonder. Sigh.... Maybe my decorations won't stay in boxes for two months. Christmas in October, anyone?
If your house needs some Christmas pillows, then head over to my Facebook page and drop me a note!
Off again!!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
A Giveaway Pillow
A not "pieced by kendra" quilt
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Lake Quilt
This quilt is smaller than the average throw quilt - which makes it easy to have it land anywhere. In these colder months ahead, it is ideally suited as a manageable throw for your legs while you try to ward off the chill with a coffee, a book, and a nearby fire. Okay, that's pretty good, too.
Then, when life resumes (aka summer), you throw it in with all the other beach supplies for your day spent traipsing around the lake (or ocean, that works too). I'm aware that the picture above isn't taken on sand. Funny thing - I don't have any in my yard... Or, bring it on your boat with you (if you're lucky enough to have one, or know someone who does), and wrap it around your legs to protect you from the bracing wind that always is, no matter how hot it may be on the beach.
Since I wanted this quilt to be enjoyed (and slightly mistreated), I didn't use my customary Kona Snow anywhere on this quilt. The front is some random quilting cottons picked up here and there, including Denyse Schmidt, Amy Butler, and Kona solids. The back is different - it started it's life as a heavy cotton tablecloth (not used as such, but that's what it was). My mom picked it up for me at a charity sale raising money for widows in Africa (sorry, I can't remember which country) by selling things they had made. This was hand dyed, and really adds an interesting dimension to this quilt. Hand made and hand dyed does not a fragile cloth make, however. It has already been washed in hot water and doesn't bleed or react negatively in any other way to the abuse of the washing machine. I see this particular backing taking a lot of abuse with the sand, grass, kids, food, drink, what have you, that comes with a trip to the lake (and then washing up beautifully when all is done). All of this is bound together with a favorite of mine, Kona Celery. Don't know why I love that color so much....
That's it for today, folks. Check back soon for a pillow case for a lucky pieced by Facebook reader. That could be you! Click on the Facebook link on the left to visit my page and "like" what you see. Giveaways shall happen!! Don't forget to take a peek at my albums!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Items with which to hold pots...
My last week's adventures included starting a Facebook page for pieced by. If you have a minute, come check it out! I have an album of quilts that are for sale, and an album of my work for inspiration if you would like to place an order. In addition to that, every once in awhile, I will throw a giveaway there for the people who "like" pieced by. Blatant bribery - that's all it is (like me... please, please, please like me :) ) My first week saw discounts given to 10 lucky people, 2 sets of custom potholders given away, and a custom pillowcover and pillow (good things come to those who wait, Chrisy....). I whipped these two sets of potholders out (quick little projects, let me tell you) for the winners, according to their specs.
Blue and red potholders for a friend. My husband took the opportunity to point out that the "blue" fabric I was using was much more green than blue. I forged on, just 'cause I liked how it looked with the red. And it worked out perfectly. Apparently the blue I envisioned was the same as my friend's. One point for instinct, zero points for proper color names.
Last week I also finished a new quilt that I'm excited to show you - check back tomorrow. I'm really excited to show you it since it's a little bit different than my others. I'm looking forward to your input - but who am I kidding? You guys are a silent bunch :)