Aren't red-haired girls just the sweetest things? Hmmmm.... maybe sweetest wasn't the best choice of words. From my experience, red-haired girls have LOTS of character... which is sometimes a wonderful thing, and sometimes... well... not so much of a wonderful thing. Take my youngest daughter as an example (her hair doesn't scream red, but it definitely leans that way).
I cannot seem to keep her clothed or her hair properly done.
She ALWAYS looks like a stray ragamuffin.
Which, fortunately, is one of my favorite looks (stray ragamuffin). What a goof!
Anyways, I digress... red-haired girls = wonderful.
Now, I have a friend who has produced two of these wonderful specimen (and they are the sweet kind - at least that's what I see). This dear friend of mine is first and foremost a FAB photographer (seriously, check this out), but also quilts as time allows. And she asked ME to make two quilts for her girls, inspired by this:
Heather Ross Far Far Away II Sleeping Beauty. It isn't often that you find red-haired princesses depicted on fabric. No-sir-ee...
So, a peek of the first quilt top. Another similiar one to come (but not identical - that would be boring). Right now this one looks a little bland, but not when I'm done with the quilting. That will bring the fabulousness out. Give me a couple of days for that though.
Redheads Rock! I believe we also tend to have a slight stubborn steak ... or at least that's what my husband tells me :)