Someday..... I will quilt more than pillows. The orders just keep coming in for these babies - and that's just fine with me! They are such a quick and fun project to throw together, and so easy to customize for the wishes of my customer. Keep it coming!!

I always worry that I'm not going to get the color right. When told that the pillows were to be robin's egg blue and robin red.... I panicked. Maybe my idea of blue and red aren't the same as someone else's. But, apparently, I got it right... again. So perhaps I will stop stressing about the finer points of color selection and go with my instinct. Seems to be working so far.
Check out the close up of the pebbled quilting on this pillow. I remembered how much I love the texture and look of this technique... then my wrist reminded me why I don't quilt it this way very often. Ouch.
These babies are off to their new home. Oh - and just in case you decide you want some for your dwelling, I need you to know that this is about as close as I come to making a matched set. I don't do symmetry (well, that's not entirely true - I do, but it's my prerogative if I choose to). Please deal with that in whatever way you see fit. As always, stop by my facebook page to place an order.
Well, then - I'm off to create some more... of something... or just to stare at my fabric and think.
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