pieces of my day and snapshots of my quilts

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Toothpaste pillows

A friend of mine asked for pillows that would match her living room. It's painted a very pretty color that her husband refers to as "toothpaste" blue. I can see the similiarities to the toothpaste I used as a child. Colgate, perhaps?

She gave me a few fabric scraps to incorporate into the design, but beyond that, I was given free reign of how the pillows turned out. Oh how I love when people do that!

The result. Once again, my version of a matched set.

Pillow numero uno. I am usually looking for a way to make things asymetrical. I think it's a continuation of my disdain for things that are too perfect.

(close up of quilting detail)

Pillow numero dos. Zig-zags. Mmmmmhmmmm. Thank you to crazy mom quilts for her wonderful zig zag tutorial that I have used a couple of times now.

I love, love, love this detail quilting on the zig zag pillow. I think it would be fantastic on a larger quilt (actually, I know it would be, I've seen it done), but I am not up for the challenge... yet...
It was a tiny bit nervewracking to make these, since Christine (the new pillow owner) is a modern maker, too. The pillows have been declared wonderful, though, so now I shall sleep at ease. Check out Christine's wonderful things here.
More stuff soon!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE! They would have looked great in my living room...
